Meaty and grain-free cat treats without added sugar
Choose treats for your cat with nutritional content and flavour in mind. You can give your cat PrimaCat cat treats even daily, since these treats have plenty of meat essential for cats and no grains or added sugar. Being grain-free makes them great for cats with sensitive stomachs, and their irresistible flavour charms every cat. You can easily find PrimaCat cat treats from grocery stores and online shops.
Using treats with cats is not as common as with dogs, as dog training often involves frequent use of treats. However, treats can also bring much joy to cats. Check out this article for four easy ideas on how to use cat treats and then explore PrimaCat's range of treats in more detail.
Four easy ways to use cat treats
Cat enrichment with treats
Enriched feeding is an excellent way to increase your cat's activity and provide it with natural activities, as searching for and hunting food are integral parts of a cat's natural behaviour. Especially for indoor cats, their quality of life can improve when they are given meaningful activities while they go about their daily routines.
For example, you can hide treats for your cat to find, perhaps inside a rolled-up towel or a toilet paper roll. You can also buy various interactive toys from pet supply stores. Additionally, you can encourage your cat to move and exercise its body by scattering treats at different levels in the house or using them in hunting games. Read more tips how to enrich your cat’s days.
Using cat treats for training
Just like with dogs, treats can be used for training cats. Training a cat has its own tricks, but it is entirely possible, especially with tasty and motivating treats. Cat treats can also be a big help in teaching necessary everyday skills like nail clipping, getting used to a carrier, and other important tasks.
When training a cat, it is important to think about what cats are naturally like. Find out what influences a cat's learning and discover ways you can teach your cat different everyday skills.
Awakening the appetite
Feeding a cat is an art form, and sometimes new foods may be suspicious to a cat. In these situations, cat treats can be a good way to encourage the cat to try new foods, and they can help the cat get used to new tastes. By sprinkling your cat's favourite treats, for example, over new wet food, your cat may be more willing to try new food than before.
Do you know why a cat's appetite can be poor or why it refuses to eat certain foods? Read more about feeding a fussy cat.
Pampering your beloved purrer
Sometimes cat treats are simply about spoiling your soft, furry friend. For instance, PrimaCat Meat Sticks are sure to win over any cat. However, remember to give your cat treats in moderation. Especially sterilised or neutered and aging indoor cats are prone to weight gain.
Better treats for your cat
Like all PrimaCat cat foods, the cat treats we have developed support your cat's well-being without compromising on taste, as indulging a cat is also an art form. Our selection of treats offers meaty delights to suit every cat's taste, all without added sugar. Also, all our treats are completely grain-free.
PrimaCat Treats are small, meaty bites. You can choose from the Crunchy Treats with a crisp exterior and rich interior, the uniformly crisp Crunchies, or the succulently soft Softies. PrimaCat Treats are fortified with vitamins, and some also contain taurine to support your cat's health.
PrimaCat Meat Sticks contain over 95% meat, and you can choose between chicken or fish flavours for your cat. To support your cat's well-being, we have enriched these meat sticks with vitamins A, D, and E, as well as taurine. The meat sticks are easy to break into smaller pieces.
Delight your cat with PrimaCat cat treats and explore our delicious range in more detail.